IL 2/27/23: Celebration & Sabbath

IL 2/27/23: Celebration & Sabbath

(Audio Transcription Below)

Are you better at celebration or criticism? (Exodus 15) Do you have a healthy rhythm of rest for your soul? 

Moses led the people through the Red Sea. When they get to the other side they celebrate with the great Song: The Song of Moses.

The Song shows up at the end of this age: Revelation 15:2-3 – Conquering Pharoah and conquering “the beast” Satan call for singing! 

  1. Moses had been used mightily by God yet there is not a word about Moses in the entire song. Moses is most interested in celebrating what God has done…rather than what he had done. He doesn’t need to insert himself, get some glory for himself, at this moment. 
  2. Celebrations make up a big part of the Bible Narrative: 
    1. 7 Festivals celebrated in OT
    2. Psalm 118:24 – “This is the day the Lord had made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Do you have a rhythm of celebration? Do you celebrate well? 


Are you a Grumbler? Better at criticism than celebration?

NOTICE: The Ease of being a grumbler: Exodus 

  • 15:24 
  • 16:2, 7-12 
  • 17:2-3 

Are you Lucy? Do you need to change your habits from criticism to celebration? Wouldn’t you want to be known for someone ready to celebrate rather than ready to criticize? 

2. Do you have a Healthy Rhythm of Rest for your Soul? 

These two men played one of the longest matches in history. They are completely exhausted yet their obvious need for rest is completely oblivious to the men in suits… even though they have been staring at them for 6 hours!

You have to know when it’s time to sit down…and rest. Nobody is going to do this for you. Most people are so focused on what they are doing – they don’t care or notice that you need rest. You must have the ability to say – “NO” 

1. First thing to know is that rest is God’s idea. 

Genesis 2:1-3 – “Rest” does not mean God was tired or catching His breath. “Rest” means ceasing work. The Hebrew word for rest is Sabbath. For 6 days, God worked to bring order to chaos. When we work, we do much the same. The Seventh Day is holy, set apart. God ceases so He can rest, reflect, and celebrate what He has done.

One thing God establishes in creation is a Rhythm of Work & Rest. 

Moses delivers the 10 commandments  and in the 4th Commandment, He asks them to Remember the Sabbath….Remember the Rhythm. In Deut. 8 – Moses gives warning if you don’t rest and remember: 

  • vs. 11
  • vs. 14
  • vs. 17-18a

If you don’t have space to rest & remember, you forget God. You begin to think you have accomplished everything! 

2. Second thing to know: We are way out of rhythm. We don’t rest or don’t know what is restful for our soul. There is something broken inside an X-ray we can’t see.

  • The Chinese have two characters for the English word “Busyness”. It is Heart-Annihilation. 
  • Proverbs 14:12 – “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” We think the way we live our lives can’t be changed or we lie and say: “Well, it’s just about to change!” (which it rarely does). Our busyness and our distracted life leads to “Heart – Annihilation” or many times physical limitations/death. Certainly, it leads to the death of your soul. 

A well-known missionary named Robert Murray McCheyne (died at 29) said – “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride (body). Alas, I have killed the horse and now I cannot deliver the message.” — You are NOT the exception!

We must be re-establishing a Rhythm 

You must take custody of your own soul: Abdicating your role as custodian of your soul is handing over our responsibility to someone who probably does not have our best interest in mind. You are in control of rest for your Soul! 

  • Moses: DT 30 – “I have set before you today life and death, blessings and curse… Now choose life! 
  • Jeremiah 6: “Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it….and you will find rest for your souls” 
  • Jesus (MT 11) “Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 

Discipline of Rest: You are communicating: 

  • I am not a slave – I’m not a slave to the cultural expectations, my family, my workaholic boss or my insecurities….I can cease. 
  • I am not the Savior – The world moves on without me, I’m not critical 
  • I trust God – God ultimately supplies all my needs. I don’t need to be anxious and I don’t need to work 24/7 
  • I can stop and be satisfied. I don’t ever get everything done but I can stop and look back at what has been done and be satisfied and mentally and emotionally rest. 


1. Rate yourself on Celebration vs. Criticism. Do you have a daily rhythm of celebrating what God has done in your life? Why is it important? 

2. Why is it so easy to be a grumbler – to be Lucy? Grumbling for the Israelites turned out to be very costly – What can be done to change a grumbling attitude? 

3. Rate yourself on having a healthy rhythm of rest for your soul. What does your pace of life communicate to your family…to your friends…with those whom you work? 

4. Do you find ways of rest for your soul? How? (or) Do you think you are the exception?

Iron Leadership Materials

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