Books and Podcasts

Books and Podcasts

Iron Leaders,

Thank you for participating in an outstanding year of Iron Leadership meetings. It was good for my soul and my leadership to walk through the year with Moses. Two books that helped me in preparation were Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton and Leaving Egypt by Chuck DeGroat. These are great books to read through to strengthen your soul and your leadership.

Beginning May 22, I am taking an eight week sabbatical in order to refresh my own soul. Since this will be the last blog post for several weeks, I thought I would offer some podcast and book recommendations that you might find helpful.

Books: I prefer reading stories for refreshment.

Podcasts: I have quite a few podcasts loaded on my phone; here are the ones I listen to regularly. For the most part, I listen at 1.5 speed, sometimes 2.0. This is probably a sign that I need to go on a sabbatical and slow down!


Politics and Culture


It’s been said, “Leaders are readers”. Feel free to email me about books or podcasts you find helpful. I am looking forward to reconnecting when we launch Iron Leadership in September!

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