


Priority and Focus

For some of you, this is the most important information I could share with you. It has to do with your priorities, the ability to make your priorities your focus and leave everything else to someone else. This is an area of struggle for me. I can talk myself into having too many priorities and cave into the urgent rather than staying focused on what is important.  Here are three resources I have found helpful. You may benefit from them…

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3/22/24: Friendship in the Book of Proverbs

3/22/24: Friendship in the Book of Proverbs

Only 4 months to train for the July 2024 Summer Olympics. You are all going to watch some part: track and field, basketball, rowing, swimming. Right now, the athletes who plan to compete in those games are on a training schedule which will land them in the best shape of their lives so they can compete for a gold medal. Perhaps one area you need to really work on is today’s topic…friendship. In my opinion, the best movie about friendship…

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Legacy is defined as the long lasting impact of a person’s life. In our last meeting together, we discussed the importance of our impact on the lives around us and the kind of long lasting legacy we are leaving behind. Several of you responded with how helpful the discussion was, so I thought I would send a few more resources to stir your thinking and efforts.  Two interviews with Gordon MacDonald.  Gordon has a pastor’s perspective and offers eight decades…

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3/8/24: Consider Your Legacy

3/8/24: Consider Your Legacy

(audio transcription below) Only 4 months to train for the July 2024 Summer Olympics. You are all going to watch some part: track and field, basketball, rowing, swimming. Right now, the athletes who plan to compete in those games are on a training schedule which will land them in the best shape of their lives so they can compete for a gold medal. Most of us have a picture like this either hanging on a wall in our house or…

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Sailing, Drifting or Sinking

How would you describe your spiritual life right now? Are you sailing? Are you drifting? Are you sinking? I am in a sermon series on the book of Hebrews, where one of the writer’s purposes was to encourage those following Jesus to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” In order to do so, we must “fix our eyes on Jesus.” (Hebrews 12: 1-2) The author knows that if we don’t fix our eyes on Jesus, it…

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2/23/24: Control Your Sexuality

2/23/24: Control Your Sexuality

Only 5 months to train for the July 2024 Summer Olympics. You are all going to watch some part: track and field, basketball, rowing, swimming. Right now, the athletes who plan to compete in those games are on a training schedule which will land them in the best shape of their lives so they can compete for a gold medal. Perhaps one area you need to really work on is to control your sexuality, because it has the capacity to…

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