
Nurture Your Children
(Audio transcription below) Today we’re going to talk about our connection to our children. If you don’t have any children, or even if you do, I think there are a lot of parallels here just as leaders leading other people. If there’s anybody in your down line at your business, there’s a lot of overlay here, how you as a boss work with employees or how you as a dad are with your sons and daughters. I’m going to use…

Sharks in the Water
Leadership takes real courage. So often you are ready to jump into your next leadership challenge and immediately encounter resistance! You certainly need to use wisdom on when to jump into your next challenge, but there will always be threats. Err on the side of courage, not fear! Randy Alcorn offers a good reminder about our work Roger Whitney hosts an excellent podcast on all things retirement. If you are over 55, this will help you. If you are younger,…

4/19/24: Treasure Your Marriage
(Audio transcription below) I’m going to try to unfold some of the reasons why marriage is important, but my main goal today is to give you guys an action plan. I really hope everybody leaves with a training plan for the marriage you have now or the marriage you’d like to have one day or maybe even to fix something going on in your marriage right now. Think about that as we go. Is anyone in here a Nascar fan?…

This week our focus will be on marriage. As the video above reminds us, it can be quite a challenge for most men, because we are wired to fix things. Below is some helpful information that you can read or watch. Growing in your marriage is one of the most important investments you can make. Look forward to talking more about this Friday! Paul Tripp: Your Biggest Problem in Marriage The Secret to a Good Marriage John Piper sermon for…

4/5/24: Accept Your Leadership
Today we are talking about leadership. This feels like a big task, it is Iron Leadership after all. My most memorable lesson in leadership came as a middle schooler. Something I used to be known for was my size, I was always big for my age when I was growing up and was primed for football. Seventh grade was the first time I was able to play on a tackle football team and I found myself as a guard on…

Priority and Focus
For some of you, this is the most important information I could share with you. It has to do with your priorities, the ability to make your priorities your focus and leave everything else to someone else. This is an area of struggle for me. I can talk myself into having too many priorities and cave into the urgent rather than staying focused on what is important. Here are three resources I have found helpful. You may benefit from them…