“Work” is a Not a Four Letter Word
Leaders often have a misguided view of work. Some think work is a result of the Fall in Genesis 3. They think that if Adam had just stayed away from that apple, we would all be sipping drinks with tiny umbrellas in them as we admire the garden. Others have a two-storied view of work that distinguishes between secular and sacred work. They believe that sacred work matters to God and has eternal value, while secular work doesn’t really matter and has little value. Sometimes this view can sound like this, “I run a successful business in order to make money so I can support God’s work in my church, my city, or around the world.”
Both views are erroneous. In Genesis 1 we see that God is at work in the Garden of Eden, and Jesus worked as a carpenter. These are two excellent images of God at work as a gardener and a carpenter! We are created in His image, and he expects us to follow Him in his work.
If you have ever wondered about how God and your work fit together, I suggest you begin with the two resources below. Tim Keller and George Zaloom will sharpen your thoughts about work. It’s not a four letter word.