“The thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices” – from the Christmas Hymn O Holy Night.
There is a “thrill of hope” because someone entered our dark world from the outside. As C.S. Lewis said, “Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” Christians have hope because we know that the present is not all there is, and humans are not the only ones involved in this world. I want you to launch into 2023 with hope! These resources might help those who are struggling to hold onto hope.
- A Reason for Hope
- Listen to my most recent sermon.
- Is Hope Reasonable?
- This was an extremely helpful podcast about hope that fueled many of the points in my sermon. Enjoy!
- How to Inhabit Time
- I benefit from the way James K. A. Smith thinks. He talks about hope in one section of this interview.
- Ukraine’s ‘Cellar Violinist’ Plays to Lift Spirits
- You may be familiar with this moving story about Ukrainian violinist Vera Lytovchenkoviolinist. The beauty of her music and perseverance bring such hope. She exclaims, “Many people text me now saying that my videos give them such support and hope. They can see that someone stays here….Someone is alive and someone keeps hope”
Have hope!